Mishka Fall 2007 Collection

The 2007 Fall Collection from New York label Mishka has started to hit retailers around the world. As a follow-up to our recent preview, here’s an in-depth look at some more of the pieces at hand. On the design front, a lot of the hoodies and crew-necks offer a variety of solid colored products with little reliance on graphics to make the items work. Check your local Mishka dealers as items should be arriving right away. Image: Essence

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The 2007 Fall Collection from New York label Mishka has started to hit retailers around the world. As a follow-up to our recent preview, here’s an in-depth look at some more of the pieces at hand. On the design front, a lot of the hoodies and crew-necks offer a variety of solid colored products with little reliance on graphics to make the items work. Check your local Mishka dealers as items should be arriving right away.

Image: Essence








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