Kids + Money: A Film by Laura Greenfield
Filmmaker Laura Greenfield recently created a documentary on the relationship between kids and money in the Los Angeles area. You’ll find situations at opposite spectrum which really enables you to classify your own personal financial situation. Some kids in LA are caught up in this perpetuating cycle where if you aren’t rocking expensive stuff then you aren’t popular. Another interesting point one of the interviewee brings up is our generation’s obsession with instant gratification. The interviewee openly confesses that buying a new pair of shoes results in that instant happiness that saving for a car won’t bring. You can view this interesting short film at NY Times Shorts.
Filmmaker Laura Greenfield recently created a documentary on the relationship between kids and money in the Los Angeles area. You’ll find situations at opposite spectrum which really enables you to classify your own personal financial situation. Some kids in LA are caught up in this perpetuating cycle where if you aren’t rocking expensive stuff then you aren’t popular. Another interesting point one of the interviewee brings up is our generation’s obsession with instant gratification. The interviewee openly confesses that buying a new pair of shoes results in that instant happiness that saving for a car won’t bring. You can view this interesting short film at NY Times Shorts.