Fuck, That's Delicious with Action Bronson: Baklava, Pizza and Hand Tattoos
In the opening seconds of the latest Fuck, That’s Delicious with Action Bronson, the New York-bred
In the opening seconds of the latest Fuck, That’s Delicious with Action Bronson, the New York-bred rapper manages to not only introduce three kinds of delectable recipes, but also throw a spike in a certain food channel’s bubble. Hats off to Bronson as we take in the latest edition of his show on VICE‘s MUNCHIES, which finds the rapper roaming around the outer boroughs of his hometown to make baklava, pizza, and even a bacon-infused milkshake. For those looking for a combination of food and funny times, Bronson looks like the go-to guy. Enjoy the above and be sure to check out other installments of Fuck, That’s Delicious on our site.