Japanese toy company Medicom Toy has teamed up with Disney to create a Mickey Mouse version
Everyone’s favorite childhood character, Mickey Mouse, gets a makeover in this collaboration
Continuing its recent partnership in conjunction with Medicom Toys and Disney, Japanese fashion brand Roen has released another product featuring the iconic Mickey Mouse character. While the last release included Guitar Mickey, this newest vinyl features VCD Crown Mickey decked out in Roen gear. Available at Cliffedge.
Within Japan, it appears as though Disney approached a series of labels on different projects ranging from apparel to toys and accessories. Fashion label Roen is amongst the few to interpret the iconic Mickey Mouse character in toy form. The large scale figure features a guitar smashing Mickey.
Source: Cliffedge
Upon American music artist John Mayer’s visit to the Neighborhood studios in Japan, a background detail was purposely pixelated out. Get the rumor mills churning as we wonder what exactly it is, although initial guesses are pointed at Mickey Mouse, who knows what’s up?
Source: Shinsuke Takizawa