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MAPLE and Sub Sun Prep for Summer With New Eyewear Collaboration

MAPLE and Sub Sun Prep for Summer With New Eyewear Collaboration

Appearing in tortoise.

MAPLE Dedicates FW23 to All the Night Owls Out There

MAPLE Dedicates FW23 to All the Night Owls Out There

Featuring wavy double link bracelets, signet rings and more.

MAPLE's Pre-Spring/Summer 2023 Jewelry Collection Blends Old Styles With New Touches

MAPLE's Pre-Spring/Summer 2023 Jewelry Collection Blends Old Styles With New Touches

.925 silver forms 3D bubble rings, signets are envisioned in Mother of Pearl, and your trusty silver necklace gets a new textural look.

MAPLE's Latest Ring Was Made for Deadheads

MAPLE's Latest Ring Was Made for Deadheads

Celebrating the Grateful Dead’s “Dancing Bears” motif.

MAPLE Introduces Lab-Made Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald for SS21

MAPLE Introduces Lab-Made Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald for SS21

Intricate detailing takes front and center stage.

MAPLE's Pre-SS21 Holiday Release Sees the Use of Gemstones With Gold

MAPLE's Pre-SS21 Holiday Release Sees the Use of Gemstones With Gold

Featuring earrings inspired by the masks of comedy and tragedy.

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