Volvo Creates an E-Bus Which Detects and Honks at Oblivious Pedestrians
Good news for kids, cyclists and people who text and walk.
It’s been a big year for public transport innovation, as Mercedes Benz put forth a self-driving Future Bus and China proposed an idea to reduce traffic by creating an elevated buses that drives over it. The latest concept put forth in the field however, comes from Volvo. The brand which created silent e-buses being used in a handful of European cities is now on the venture to reduce collisions with pedestrians. The approach is to allow these silent operators to generate targeted noise at automatically recognized pedestrians and cyclists. The targeted noise, or honks have been designed with a frequency which does not disturb windows with triple glazing. If someone does not hear it and continue to move in front of the vehicle, it automatically begins to idle, avoiding serious accidents. Check out the video above for a demonstration on how Volvo’s new bus works.