Japan's Maglev Bullet Train Breaks World Record for Fastest Train at 374 MPH
Japan’s maglev train has broken its week-old world record, after posting a new high of speeds
Japan’s maglev train has broken its week-old world record, after posting a new high of speeds reaching 374 MPH earlier today. The latest test run was conducted on an experimental track in Yamanashi, where engineers clocked the train at spending approximately 10.8 seconds traveling above 600 kilometers per hour (370 miles per hour). During that time period, the bullet train traveled 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles). To put that in perspective, that’s nearly 25 football fields in the time it has taken you to read the last three sentences. Japan Railways has been rigorously testing the maglev train to decide on the idealistic operational speed for a designated route from Tokyo to Nagoya, which has been scheduled to begin service in 2027. Today, the trip takes nearly five hours by car. However in the future, the maglev bullet train will be able to complete the trek in just 40 minutes.