Dita x Undercover Sunglasses

Luxury eye glass maker Dita recently unveiled a brand new shop, Dita Legends in Hong Kong. This Hong Kong location is a new addition to a list of current Dita Legends in Tokyo, Nagoya and Los Angeles. Aside from selling their famous eyewear, the shop will also carry other clothing, accessory, and jewelery brands to compliment their own line. Above is a pair of the Undercover x Dita sunglasses which were on sale that night. You can find more images of the event at Kix-Files.

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Dita x Undercover Sunglasses

Luxury eye glass maker Dita recently unveiled a brand new shop, Dita Legends in Hong Kong. This Hong Kong location is a new addition to a list of current Dita Legends in Tokyo, Nagoya and Los Angeles. Aside from selling their famous eyewear, the shop will also carry other clothing, accessory, and jewelery brands to compliment their own line. Above is a pair of the Undercover x Dita sunglasses which were on sale that night. You can find more images of the event at Kix-Files.

Dita x Undercover Sunglasses

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