Takashi Murakami Article in the New York Times

The New York Times recently ran a piece with Takashi Murakami, what some onlookers describe as the Warhol of Japan. In June of last year, Murakami switched galleries to represent the Gagoasian Gallery in New York. In an attempt to bring awareness and understanding of Japanese culture to the rest of the world, Murakami had a traditional Japanese ceremony at the Gagosian to go alongside his works within the main gallery. Awhile back, we ran another feature on Murakami in the form of a video that can be seen here. Image: Ozier Muhammad Info: High Snobiety

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Takashi Murakami Article on New York Times

The New York Times recently ran a piece with Takashi Murakami, what some onlookers describe as the Warhol of Japan. In June of last year, Murakami switched galleries to represent the Gagoasian Gallery in New York. In an attempt to bring awareness and understanding of Japanese culture to the rest of the world, Murakami had a traditional Japanese ceremony at the Gagosian to go alongside his works within the main gallery.

Awhile back, we ran another feature on Murakami in the form of a video that can be seen here.

Image: Ozier Muhammad

Info: High Snobiety

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