Jonathan LeVine Projects

The Robots Have Landed at Kumkum Fernando’s Latest Exhibition

The Robots Have Landed at Kumkum Fernando’s Latest Exhibition

Catch ‘The Lost Mystics’ until October 1.

Kumkum Fernando’s Latest Sculptures Are an Intergalactic Mission

Kumkum Fernando’s Latest Sculptures Are an Intergalactic Mission

Unravel their mysteries via Jonathan LeVine Projects.

Kumkum Fernando Transports His Mystical Robots to VOLTA Art Fair

Kumkum Fernando Transports His Mystical Robots to VOLTA Art Fair

Presnted by Jonathan LeVine Projects.

Jonathan LeVine Projects

Kumkum Fernando Turns Found Materials Into Mystical Sculptures

Kumkum Fernando Turns Found Materials Into Mystical Sculptures

Check his latest online exhibition, “Temples, Gods and Robots.”

KAWS' 'Beautiful Losers' Poster from 2004 Gets an Online Release

KAWS' 'Beautiful Losers' Poster from 2004 Gets an Online Release

Available through Jonathan LeVine Projects.


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