OpenAI Is Bringing a More “Natural” Sounding Voice to ChatGPT
Tech & Gadgets

OpenAI Is Bringing a More “Natural” Sounding Voice to ChatGPT

The beta arrives two months after Scarlet Johansson accused the company of mimicking her voice.

Scarlett Johansson Claims OpenAI Mimicked Her Voice for ChatGPT After She Declined Their Offer
Tech & Gadgets

Scarlett Johansson Claims OpenAI Mimicked Her Voice for ChatGPT After She Declined Their Offer

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman refuted Johansson’s claims, stating that the voice was never “intended to resemble hers.”

OpenAI Rolls Out New Flagship Model, GPT-4o
Tech & Gadgets

OpenAI Rolls Out New Flagship Model, GPT-4o

Overhauling its audio capabilities and improving non-English language usage.

Bodega x Heineken Debuted the "Boring Phone" in This Week's Tech Roundup
Tech & Gadgets 

Bodega x Heineken Debuted the "Boring Phone" in This Week's Tech Roundup

Nothing also unveiled a disruptive device of its own.

Google Debuted Its AI Model Gemini and CASETiFY Launched a 'Naruto' Line in This Week's Tech Roundup
Tech & Gadgets 

Google Debuted Its AI Model Gemini and CASETiFY Launched a 'Naruto' Line in This Week's Tech Roundup

Wikipedia also revealed its most popular articles of the year.

ChatGPT's Voice Chat Feature Is Now Available for All Free Users
Tech & Gadgets

ChatGPT's Voice Chat Feature Is Now Available for All Free Users

Letting users facilitate back-and-forth conversations with the AI across mobile devices.

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