There's Now a 'Rick and Morty' Edition of 'Operation'

Featuring Ruben and his “Anatomy Park.”

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USAopoly, board game distributor and licensor, have just created a Rick and Morty version to the classic Operation game.

Just like the the original Operation, players will test their physical abilities as they remove parts from the cardboard cadaver — except this time around, organ names have been replaced with “Funatomy” pieces that are contained within “Anatomy Park” host, Ruben. Just like the animated show, Ruben contains a cocktail of illness-themed attractions ranging from Cerebral Cortex Carousel, Haunted Liver, Pirates of the Pancreas, Colon Log, Sphincter Dam, and Bone Train, to name a few, and it is the players job to remove each bodily “attraction” without touching the forceps to the metal edges of the game; with each successful removal of an illness, players are rewarded with varying amounts of play money.

Due to the subject nature of the Rick And Morty “Doctor” and “Specialist” cards, this version of Operation is for ages 17+. Those looking for this version of the classic game can find it over at Amazon for a price of $30 USD.

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