Transworld Skateboarding "Style" Video featuring Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski had a raw, ethereal way of writing that was most honest to the streets (as he knew
Charles Bukowski had a raw, ethereal way of writing that was most honest to the streets (as he knew them); it was his heart-wrenching, unsparing approach that ultimately made his name. In his poem “Style,” the German-born American writer addresses the concept of the title subject, famously stating: “To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it / To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art.” For skateboarders, the connection between these words and skating is undeniable. Joe Pease and Transworld created a short animation video that highlights the silhouettes of skateboarding legends from Ray Barbee to John Cardiel, with everyone from Mark Gonzales to Keenan Milton sprinkled in between. The piece isn’t merely applicable to skateboarding though, so draw what you will from the video above.