Life Inside a Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine
The Bitcoin mining industry is a tough and intrepid one to be involved in. Companies need
The Bitcoin mining industry is a tough and intrepid one to be involved in. Companies need specialized servers that require powerful computers with adequate cooling systems to support the massive amounts of energy being used. Footage of such a server located in an abandoned factory in Changcheng, China reveals workers’ daily routines inside a world of infinite wires, high-powered computers and fans. This particular mine houses 3,000 miners that extract 20-25 Bitcoins a day. It was started by a small group of friends who raised funds and put all their money to invest in what they believe is the future of currency systems, but at a costly price — for starters, the mine racks up an electricity bill of about $80,000 USD a month. Keep in mind that a factory such as this one only manages 3 percent of the whole blockchain — in other words, the main transaction database that all computers of the Bitcoin system are linked to. It’s incredible how extensive of a high-tech mess is needed to handle such a small portion of the whole process. Do you think Bitcoin cryptocurrency is the inevitable future that we are heading towards? Check out the video above.