DustTag Graffiti Analysis iPhone App
DustTag is an iPhone application designed for graffiti writers that visualize the motion
DustTag is an iPhone application designed for graffiti writers that visualize the motion involved in the creation of a tag. Motion data is recorded, analyzed and archived in a free and open database, 000000book.com, where writers can share 3-D animated representations of their hand styles. All tags created in DustTag are saved as Graffiti Markup Language (GML) files, a new digital standard used by other popular graffiti applications such as Laser Tag and EyeWriter. DustTag is fully compatible with the Graffiti Analysis 2.0 software suite, which is available online for free at graffitianalysis.com and can be used to playback DustTag creations from the iPhone on your OSX, Windows or Linux desktop systems.
DustTag was created by artist and Graffiti Research Lab co-founder Evan Roth, and artist and openFrameworks guru Chris Sugrue. Graffiti Analysis is an open source initiative built in openFrameworks and is available online for free at graffitianalysis.com. An official release through the Apple App Store because available as of yesterday.