Awair Air Quality Monitor
The air surrounding us contains many components that can have adverse effects on not only our
The air surrounding us contains many components that can have adverse effects on not only our long-term wellbeing, but also our immediate performance. Enter the Awair air quality monitor, which analyzes the air in whichever room it is placed to advise its inhabitants on how to adjust the air quality to achieve optimal comfort. Sending readings to your smartphone, Awair rates the air quality on the metrics of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and dust particulates. Apart from providing a rating, the Awair can put together trends over time and give recommendations on how to mediate the effects of the air on your wellbeing, such as advising you to open a window or to drink some honey lemon water. The user can also choose from one of six presets so that Awair can guide your behavior on what’s most important to you, be it allergies, productivity, beauty, wellness, sleep quality, or pregnancy. Set to ship in fall 2015, pre-order the Awair online starting from $150 USD.