Lexus Puts Wheels of Ice on Its NX Luxury Crossover
The Japanese car brand takes driving on ice to a whole other level.
Lexus has managed to one-up themselves. After creating a drivable cardboard replica of its IS model in October, Toyota’s luxury marque has released another marketing stunt, this time advertising the cold-weather capabilities and craftsmanship of the NX luxury crossover SUV. Enlisting the help of Hamilton Ice Sculptors, Lexus went about designing a set of wheels carved from ice made from softened water collected from a moving flow for the clearest appearance. As ice itself cannot support the weight of the car, the wheels are designed around an acrylic core, around which the carved ice is attached. LED lights were then outfitted to give the wheels that extra visual flair. As for the car, it was frozen at -30°C for five days, and started with no problems on the first try, according to Lexus. Watch the video above, and experience the behind-the-scenes process in this video.