Eazy-E's Son Not Happy with NWA Biopic Casting
TMZ is reporting that Eazy-E’s son, Lil Eazy-E, is upset over the casting of Eazy-E in the upcoming

TMZ is reporting that Eazy-E’s son, Lil Eazy-E, is upset over the casting of Eazy-E in the upcoming NWA biopic, Straight Outta Compton. Lil Eazy-E’s issue revolves around not being selected to play his father in the forthcoming film. Cube chose his own son, O’Shea Jackson Jr., to play himself, while actor Jason Mitchell was chosen to portray Eazy-E. According to TMZ, Lil Eazy-E believes “his dad absolutely would have wanted him in the starring role,” and the aspiring rapper is quoted as saying “I am my father. I look like him. I sound like him.” Despite his frustration, Lil Eazy-E will still support and promote the movie “in his dad’s honor.”