London Tweed Run 2009
The London Fixed-Gear & Single-Speed forum held their first Tweed Run this past Saturday the
The London Fixed-Gear & Single-Speed forum held their first Tweed Run this past Saturday the 24th. The social gathering brought together approximately 150 bike riders from the London area on a cruise around the historic city. The event suggested attire of elegant proportions including Harris tweed & merino wool pieces, flat caps, ties and everything else that keeps a gentlemen looking dapper. Along with various awards in play, including: most dashing dame, most dapper chap and best mustache, the event held a draw for prizes benefiting Bikes4Africa, an organization that refurbishes bicycles and gives them to rural African schools so that students who live far away can attend class.
More pictures can be found here.
Source: Yorgo Tloupas, Adrian Fitch
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