
A Former Apple Engineer Was Sentenced to 6 Months in Prison for Stealing Trade Secrets in This Week's Tech Roundup
Tech & Gadgets 

A Former Apple Engineer Was Sentenced to 6 Months in Prison for Stealing Trade Secrets in This Week's Tech Roundup

Brian Eno also released the light-changing Turntable II.

Brian Eno's Turntable II Is Inspired by His Experiments With Light
Tech & Gadgets

Brian Eno's Turntable II Is Inspired by His Experiments With Light

Slowly changing colors to form Eno’s “colorscapes.”

Apple Is Reportedly Designing an ‘Apple Watch X’ and Home Depot Has a $4k USD Smart Door in This Week’s Tech Roundup
Tech & Gadgets 

Apple Is Reportedly Designing an ‘Apple Watch X’ and Home Depot Has a $4k USD Smart Door in This Week’s Tech Roundup

OpenAI is also working on its own content moderation software.

LoveFrom and Linn Collaborate on $60K USD Turntable, the Sondek LP12-50
Tech & Gadgets

LoveFrom and Linn Collaborate on $60K USD Turntable, the Sondek LP12-50

Linking up for a limited run in celebration of Linn’s 50th anniversary.

New Yves Béhar-Designed Love Turntable Uses Smartphones to Play Records
Tech & Gadgets

New Yves Béhar-Designed Love Turntable Uses Smartphones to Play Records

It’s now even easier to embrace vinyl.

The New Technics SL-1200 is Coming Soon

The New Technics SL-1200 is Coming Soon

Veteran DJs and analog enthusiasts rejoice.

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