Tom Sach’s Mars Yard 2.0 silhouette with Nike was one of the most experiential sneaker releases this year. In true Sachs fashion, the New York artist launched a Space Camp this past June for the limited sneakers that included a grueling obstacle course, an indoctrination station and art installation. Shortly afterward, he launched a new film with Van Neistat titled "The Hero’s Journey" which centers upon a young woman named Street Scum played by model Gray Sorrenti. If you watch all the way to the end credits, you’ll also come across Frank Ocean who Sachs dubs as the “Studio Master of Inspiration.” Collectively for 2017, when he’s not launching mini rockets in front of his SoHo studio, Sachs is hard at work in preparing a new exhibition, spearheading his ongoing Space program, and more recently, creating bespoke car models with Japanese toy manufacturer, Tamiya.