Apple 正式終止 Epic Games 於 App Store 的開發者帳戶

《要塞英雄 Fortnite》現已正式下架。

Gaming 遊戲

近日 Apple 正式終止了 Epic Games 於 App Store 的開發者帳戶,代表著 App Store 中旗下的程式包括人氣遊戲《要塞英雄 Fortnite》無法再進行更新,而該遊戲現已正式下架。

兩大公司的訴訟已糾纏了好一陣子,Epic Games 堅持增添一項可供玩家直接付款的選項與規避 App Store 抽取 30% 佣金為正當合理,而 Apple 選擇給予時間 Epic Games 進行改善,但卻遭到拒絕,Epic Games 更一再提交違反 App Store 規範的更新包要 Apple 通過,Apple 表示這對於其他開發者並不公開,而以下為官方公開聲明:

“We are disappointed that we have had to terminate the Epic Games account on the App Store. We have worked with the team at Epic Games for many years on their launches and releases. The court recommended that Epic comply with the App Store guidelines while their case moves forward, guidelines they’ve followed for the past decade until they created this situation. Epic has refused. Instead they repeatedly submit Fortnite updates designed to violate the guidelines of the App Store. This is not fair to all other developers on the App Store and is putting customers in the middle of their fight. We hope that we can work together again in the future, but unfortunately that is not possible today.”

不過 Unreal Engine 部分並不會受到影響,用戶們毋須擔心,有興趣的讀者們不妨多加留意,亦可關注以下相關報導:

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