「侏羅紀世界」電影三部曲最終章《Jurassic World 3》宣佈延期上映
侏羅紀世界三部曲《Jurassic World 3: Dominion》(侏羅紀世界:統霸天下 / 侏羅紀世界:統治霸權)於近期經導演確認上映日期將延期至 2022 年 6 月 10 日,與原訂日程直接順延一年,原因無因是疫情關係。
據了解《Jurassic World 3》因疫情關係拍攝受到了擱置,直到今年七月才宣佈恢復拍攝,不過整體進度仍受到疫情的影響,因此官方如今宣佈延期並不意外,且有消息傳出近日有劇組人員確診,導演 Colin Trevorrow 代表官方宣佈緊急停拍兩週。Universal 影業除了宣佈明年大片《Jurassic World 3》延期上映之外,原設定是今年兩部大片的《007:No Time To Die》與《Fast & Furious 9》皆移動至 2021 年中上映。
For the past three months, I’ve worked with an extraordinary cast and crew on a film we can’t wait to share with the world. Even though we’ll have to wait a bit longer, it will all be worth it. Let’s stay healthy and take care of each other until then. pic.twitter.com/vnGzhHs4nR
— Colin Trevorrow (@colintrevorrow) October 6, 2020
Woke up to the news we had a few positive Coronavirus tests on Jurassic World: Dominion. All tested negative shortly after, but due to our safety protocols we’re going to pause for two weeks. Back soon. pic.twitter.com/DxuqX9UdgX
— Colin Trevorrow (@colintrevorrow) October 7, 2020