「巨石強森」Dwayne Johnson 個人 Instagram 追蹤人數正式突破「兩億」


Entertainment 娛樂

知名多棲影星「巨石強森」Dwayne Johnson 今日達到人生事業的全新里程碑,他個人 Instagram 追蹤人數已在近日突破「兩億」,正式成為了美國最具人氣的男性代表;且如要計算所有社群平台的追蹤人數,Dwayne Johnson 的人氣或將已有 3 億的支持聲量。

Dwayne Johnson 甫締造的這項紀錄僅次於葡萄牙足球巨星 Cristiano Ronaldo 的 2.3 億與 Ariana Grande 的 2 億,而緊追在後的帳號包括 Kylie Jenner 與 Selena Gomez 的 1.9 億。Dwayne Johnson 也對此紀錄發佈最新貼文,十分感謝大家對他的支持,並表示自己長期以來始終盡了個人最大的努力來表達真相,擴及尊重、感激與同理心等正面因子來影響人,而那些都是他在人生中所學到的。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Here’s what I’ve learned these past few weeks and maybe, you can find value in this take away and apply it to your own life. Always speak your truth. And when you do speak your truth – do your best to speak with dignity, compassion, respect, poise and empathy. Even when the conversations get uncomfortable – when you approach with respect and care – on the other side of discomfort – is clarity and progress. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for giving me the space to speak my truth. You have my word, I’ll always do my best to speak my truth with dignity, respect, empathy and GRATITUDE. That’s my lesson I’ve learned. And the result of speaking my truth is I was just informed, I’ve surged past and blown by 200 MILLION FOLLOWERS on Instagram and over 300 MILLION FOLLOWERS across all platforms – officially becoming/ The #1 followed man in America. The #1 followed American man in the world. And most importantly, the #1 daddy at home. Love you guys, I always got your back and let’s keep rockin’ 🖤👊🏾 #speakyourtruth #dignityrespectgratitude #thatsoursuperpower 🇺🇸

therock(@therock)分享的貼文 於 張貼


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