Christopher Nolan 執導《奧本海默 Oppenheimer》首波影評正式公開

Christopher Nolan 最新執導大作《奧本海默 Oppenheimer》上映在即,早先官方就在巴黎舉辦了全球首映會,緊接而來的影評也正式解禁。
不讓人意外地,《奧本海默》獲得了壓倒性的好評,其中 The Los Angeles Times 的 Kenneth Turan 表示:「本作可以說是 Nolan 迄今為止最令人印象深刻的作品。」Total Film 的 Matt Maytum 則提到:「這部電影使我目瞪口呆,包括史上最大規模的角色研究,Cillian Murphy 的精彩演出尤為核心。」
許多評論都指出《奧本海默》可以稱得上是 Nolan 前三名的作品,同時稱讚了演員群們的表現,當然更強調了電影的聲音、畫面展示,並強力推薦影迷觀看 70mm 的 IMAX 版本。
《奧本海默》將在 7 月 21 日正式上映,香港將提早於 7 月 20 日上映,有興趣的讀者敬請留意未來各大戲院公布的 IMAX 場次。
I had the good fortune to spend time with Christopher Nolan talking about the exceptional ‘Oppenheimer,’ arguably his most impressive film to date. Here’s what he had to say.
— Kenneth Turan (@KennethTuran) July 12, 2023
#Oppenheimer left me stunned: a character study on the grandest scale, with a sublime central performance by Cillian Murphy. An epic historical drama but with a distinctly Nolan sensibility: the tension, structure, sense of scale, startling sound design, remarkable visuals. Wow
— Matt Maytum (@mattmaytum) July 11, 2023
It’s hard to talk about something as dense as this in something as silly as a tweet or thread but Oppenheimer really is a serious, philosophical, adult drama that’s as tense and exciting as Dunkirk. And the big moment – THAT MOMENT – is awe inspiring.
— Lindsey Bahr (@ldbahr) July 11, 2023
So many years after seeing that opening shot of The Dark Knight in IMAX at CityWalk and not understanding what I was seeing on a technical level but feeling it, I feel very lucky to have seen Oppenheimer in 70mm IMAX. A once in a lifetime experience.
— Lindsey Bahr (@ldbahr) July 11, 2023
The downside? The women are badly served – Emily Blunt only once gets out of her stressed mother role. But it’s straight into my Nolan top three, alongside Memento & The Prestige
— Jonathan Dean (@JonathanDean_) July 11, 2023
Cillian is what you’d expect (not a read, he’s very good), but this is Robert Downey, Jr’.s moment. RDJ is so good in Oppenheimer it makes you sad this is his 1st on-screen work in 5 years. It’s time to work w/ the likes of Joon-Ho, Jenkins, Campion & Ostluds @RobertDowneyJr (2)
— Gregory Ellwood – The Playlist 🎬 (@TheGregoryE) July 11, 2023
I do not say this lightly, but Ludwig Göransson’s score is an utter masterpiece on its own. Also heard the album will be an hour-and-a-half-long album. And, yes, we’re talking a lot of nominations (assuming box office is strong). Is it Chris Nolan’s best film? Pondering (4)
— Gregory Ellwood – The Playlist 🎬 (@TheGregoryE) July 11, 2023
And for all those who’ve groused about the lack of sex in Christopher Nolan’s earlier work…boy oh BOY, are you getting some sex as only Nolan could stage it in this one
— Robbie Collin (@robbiereviews) July 11, 2023
OPPENHEIMER is…incredible. The word that keeps coming to mind is “fearsome.” A relentlessly paced, insanely detailed, intricate historical drama that builds and builds and builds until Nolan brings the hammer down in the most astonishing, shattering way.
— Bilge Ebiri (@BilgeEbiri) July 11, 2023
A sign that French audiences loved #Oppenheimer is that they stayed in front of the Grand Rex theater long after the film ended to debate about it!
— Elsa Keslassy (@ElsaKeslassy) July 11, 2023
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