Keanu Reeves 主演大作《John Wick: Chapter 4》首波影評正式公開

Keanu Reeves 主演動作電影《John Wick: Chapter 4》(捍衛任務 4 / 殺神 John Wick 4)上映在即,上月中官方就率先釋出了幕後花絮讓影迷一睹為快,而今回則是接著公開了首波試映會的影評。
當然評價好壞本就是見仁見智,但也不失為觀影前的一項參考,如今看來,影迷確實可以對於《John Wick: Chapter 4》抱有高度期待。本作將在 2023 年 3 月 24 日正式上映,台灣搶先於 3 月 22 日上映,IMAX、Dolby Cinema 同步上映,有興趣的讀者不妨多加留意。
#JohnWick4 absolutely rocks, start to finish. Keanu Reeves finds new ways to impress with stunning action and surrounds himself by incredible franchise newcomers.
Chapters 1-3 world-built and Chapter 4 could run with all of it.
An epic big screen blast. CINEMA!
— The Brandalorian (@BrandonDavisBD) March 6, 2023
Brawny, bold & badass, #JohnWick4 brilliantly balances vested stakes with an absolutely spectacular, high octane thrill ride. A soaring, searing, scorching chapter in the saga. The wildest time you’ll have at the movies this year. A pure adrenaline rush.
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) March 6, 2023
#JohnWick4 continues with the visceral and brutal action. We finally get the conclusion to the story, and the film brings the action to a higher level with armored ninja, fiery weapons, epic one-shot scenes, and more. Donnie Yen is definitely icing on the cake.
— John Nguyen (@JohnSpartan300) March 6, 2023
John Wick: Chapter 4 is one of the finest action movies ever. My jaw hit the floor at least six times. One section involving a Dragon’s Breath shotgun is just action-movie goodness at its best. Donnie Yen steals the show. Easily the best in the series #JohnWick4 #JohnWickChapter4
— Hunter Bolding (@HunterBVideo) March 6, 2023
#JohnWickChapter4 is f*cking awesome. Literally had to pick my jaw off the ground from some of the insane and inventive set pieces.
You are not prepared for what Keanu does with the dragon’s breath shotgun.
Also @DonnieYenCT brought his A game.
Can’t wait to see it again.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) March 7, 2023
#JohnWick4 is an action-packed, bloody, kill-fest, and that’s what makes it good! I normally don’t love so much action in my movies but Stahelski makes every frame count. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Yes, it’s video game logic. Yes, it’s extra as hell. Yes, I will be watching again!
— therese lacson • 宋蕾蕾 (@bamfpire) March 6, 2023
One of the greatest action movies ever made, #JohnWick4 tops all 3 of its predecessors in storytelling, scope & stakes, countless astonishing set pieces, hard to fathom it’s all contained within one film, Bill Skarsgård slays, a hellaciously thrilling franchise finish (?) 9.5/10
— Erick 𝕄𝕄𝕋 Weber (@ErickWeber) March 6, 2023
#JohnWick4‘s three-hour runtime makes so much sense when you’re going *that* hard. The third act alone… just glorious.
— Liz Shannon Miller (@lizlet) March 6, 2023
I had reservations about John Wick: Chapter 4’s nearly three hour runtime, but the movie earns it. It’s an epic with smart pacing that never lets the action feel exhausting, and the set pieces are phenomenal. Great cast of series newcomers, but Donnie Yen is the MVP. #JohnWick4
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) March 6, 2023
JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4 was as badass & as awesome as I hoped it would be.
I didn’t mind the lengthy runtime cause the Arc de Triomphe relentless action alone was worth it.
And the gun-fu of Keanu Reeves VS. Donnie Yen lived up to the hype.#JohnWick4 #JW4 #KeanuReeves #DonnieYen— Rama’s Screen (@RamasScreen) March 6, 2023
#JohnWick4 is a bloody good time. Great action and fight sequences. Donnie Yen is an INCREDIBLE addition to the franchise. He’s a highlight of the film. Lots of surprises in this one that’s going to deliver a divisive ending. See this one in IMAX.
— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) March 6, 2023
At times, #JohnWick4 feels like a video game come to life. (And I mean that as a compliment.) So many of Keanu Reeves’ fight sequences felt like boss battles. I get a kick out of how the franchise continues to find creative ways to turn mundane objects into deadly weapons.
— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) March 6, 2023
It’s the most gorgeous of the franchise with some terrific cinematography. Donnie Yen, Hiroyuki Sanada, Rina Sawayama, and Bill Skarsgaard are incredible additions to the cast! But the action is the star, and the film features some of the best gun fights in the series! -Mike M.
— The Nerds of Color (@TheNerdsofColor) March 6, 2023
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