Raf Simons x Kvadrat 首個配件系列「Shaker System」正式登場
Raf Simons 與 Kvadrat 正式發佈其首個 Lifestyle 配件系列「Shaker System」,Raf Simons 應用其工業設計背景尋找許多靈感來源,包括美國 Shaker 生產的家具、Donald Judd 等藝術家的創作形式,以及人類與空間的互動方式。
Raf Simons 對於系列描述道:
“More than ever the home is the absolute center of our lives and I wanted to create a system that would change it for the better. I am trained as an industrial designer, just putting out beautiful products was not enough. I wanted to conceive something relevant to how we live today.
“I’ve moved a lot, from Europe to America and back, always having to organize myself in a new home. There are all these trends telling you how you should cope but I never found the right system, the clever beautiful one. So this really came from a personal need.”
整個系列以一個壁掛式掛鉤為基礎,延伸出多種配件,例如托盤、帽子、手提袋、枕頭、鑰匙圈、羊毛毯以及書本收納袋等等。所有產品配色旨在統一,以更好表現物件的輪廓,Raf Simons 選擇了 Vidar 面料的 4 種標誌性配色:黑色、綠色、米白以及粉色。最後,他繼續為系列補充:「最初的想法是從一個個空間考慮到整棟房子,從我們實際上是如何生活來進行思考。我們沒有從美學角度著手設計,而是傾向功能以及需求,我們確實站在使用者的角度思考。」
Shaker System 系列已登陸 shaker.kvadratrafsimons.com 販售,有興趣的讀者不妨前往了解詳情。
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