抄襲疑雲!影迷指控《Once Upon a Deadpool》盜用其拍攝構想
該名影迷更表示已經與 Ryan Reynolds 有相關談話。

Marvel 今年五月推出《Deadpool 2》大受好評,後續再宣布將推出較適宜孩童觀看的《Deadpool 2》PG-13 級別版本 − 《Once Upon a Deadpool》,日前預告片也正式推出,讓影迷相當期待。但當《Once Upon a Deadpool》的電影細節相繼釋出後,就有一位影迷出面指控該電影疑似抄襲他的構想進行拍攝。這位身兼作家與藝術家身份的影迷 Michael Vincent Bramley 在 2017 年 12 月在 Twitter 上 Tag 了 Ryan Reynolds ,表示如果 Marvel 要他拍攝 PG-13 版本的《Deadpool》,那他只要使用 1987 年的經典電影《The Princess Bride》的架構即可。
@VancityReynolds If Marvel forces you to make a PG-13 Deadpool, just copy the framing device from The Princess Bride and have Deadpool censoring it for Fred Savage as a bedtime story. A kidnapped adult Fred Savage. There, I fixed it.
— M.V.B. (@MVBramley) December 7, 2017
《The Princess Bride》是一部戲中戲的電影,敘述一位爺爺向孫子講述經典的愛情童話故事,中間穿插孫子打斷爺爺講的故事,針對情節吐槽以此吸引觀眾的手法拍攝,而根據《Once Upon a Deadpool》目前釋出的預告片和 Ryan Reynolds 日前的暗示,電影確實以致敬該部電影的手法進行拍攝,由 Deadpool 向當年在《The Princess Bride》飾演孫子的演員 Fred Savage 講述《Deadpool 2》故事。
Sooo… I tweeted the exact plot of the new ‘Once Upon A Deadpool’ PG version of #Deadpool2 at Ryan Reynolds almost a year ago and it somehow wound up in a movie without me knowing. #deadpool #ryanreynolds #xmen #movies #OnceUponADeadpool #fredsavage #marvelmovies #mcu pic.twitter.com/tTMHwh2A1a
— M.V.B. (@MVBramley) November 21, 2018
Just a friendly reminder that I have no (never had any) intention of trying to sue Ryan Reynolds, Disney or any of its subsidiaries. I’m also not angry, I’m more amused/confused at this point. #deadpool #marvel #Disney #ryanreynolds #stopgivingmelegaladvice
— M.V.B. (@MVBramley) November 22, 2018
.@VancityReynolds and I had a brief talk and I believe he was as confused as I was. It seems like this may all just have been a big, insane coincidence and I’m happy to leave it at that. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie in December! #deadpool #onceuponadeadpool
— M.V.B. (@MVBramley) November 22, 2018
雖然出面指控 FOX 和 MARVEL 涉嫌抄襲其構想,Michael Vincent Bramley 事後澄清他並沒有要向法院提告的計畫,他相信也許這件事只是一個「巨大的巧合」,更表示他已經與 Ryan Reynolds 有過一段討論,相信他們兩個人都同樣為此狀況感到相當困惑。
有興趣的讀者不妨持續留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可關注 DC 年度大作《Aquaman》最終版預告。