青出於藍-Kevin Durant 稱讚 Kyrie Irving 比 Allen Iverson 更具技術
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NBA 總決賓終幕暫告一段落,總冠軍由 Golden State Warriors 以 4:1 比數獲得,只需五場便擊敗對手 Cleveland Cavaliers,而 Kevin Durant 更獲得 Final MVP 的殊榮,可喜可喜。在賽事完結後 Durant 現身 TheBill Simnons Podcast,他便說覺得 Kyrie Irving 比 Allen Iverson 的進攻技能優秀,因為 Kyrie Irving 有着更多的進攻技巧。
I was telling some of my friends after Game 2, I was like, Kyrie, he just makes you happy when you watch him play. You just smile when you watch him play because for somebody to be that skilled, you know he had to work tirelessly at it. The stuff he has in his package is next-level stuff that you can try to teach your kids to do it, but you’ll never be able to do it.
Kyrie is better than AI to me. I’m going from like skill for skill. His handle is better. We might have to cut that out—I don’t want no problems with AI. Y’all might have to cut that one. I don’t want that to get out. I’m just saying I feel like Kyrie got more skill.
要知道 Allen Iverson 是 NBA 最多產的得分手之一,曾獲得 2000-01 年 NBA MVP 獎,並於 2016 年被納入籃球名人堂。然而 Kyrie Irving 只是 25 歲便聯同隊伍取得 NBA 冠軍,更四度成為全明星球隊之一員,每次都為賽事帶來精彩絕倫的表現,相信往後他將成為一個更讓大家無法忘記的籃球明星。