Desiigner 回首成名之路並坦言「Jackie Chan」改變自己人生
《Interview Magazine》深度專訪 Desiigner。

近日,《Interview Magazine》釋出 Desiigner 專訪。對話中,這位來自 Brooklyn 的矚目 Rapper 談論了自己祖父對個人音樂的影響力,其為一名職業 Jazz 音樂人;此外,Desiigner 還解釋了個人名字的由來以及暢談和 Future 相提並論的感受;而在提及改變自己人生的歌曲之時,其稱錄製的第一首歌曲《Jackie Chan》擁有無比重要的意義,且坦言《Panda》讓自己名聲大噪。感興趣的朋友可以點擊此處閱讀專訪完整內容。
Honestly, the song that changed my life was the probably the first song I cooked up and recorded, “Jackie Chan.” Every time I’m in the studio it’s another step to success. But, the song that changed my life the most was “Panda” because it actually did change everything for me. I wouldn’t be speaking to you right now if it wasn’t for “Panda.”