DKNY 任命 Public School 設計師 Dao-Yi Chow & Maxwell Osborne 為品牌創意總監
憑借紐約時尚品牌 Public School 一炮而紅的設計師雙人組 Dao-Yi Chow 與 Maxwell Osborne,最近正式被 DKNY 任命爲品牌新任創意總監。作爲 Donna
憑借紐約時尚品牌 Public School 一炮而紅的設計師雙人組 Dao-Yi Chow 與 Maxwell Osborne,最近正式被 DKNY 任命爲品牌新任創意總監。作爲 Donna Karan 旗下主打年輕化都市風格的支線品牌,DKNY 希望通過新的面孔爲品牌帶來更多青春氣息,包括此前所簽下的代言人 Cara Delevingne 和 Rita Ora,都是爲了更好地吸引新生代消費群體。綜上所述,Dao-Yi Chow 與 Maxwell Osborne 的獲選顯得理所應當,除去深厚的紐約文化底蘊和背景,接連獲得由 CFDA 頒發的「施華洛世奇男裝大獎」和「年度男裝設計師大獎」,以及史上首個「國際羊毛標志男裝大獎」,也讓兩人成爲當今時尚圈最具人氣和話題性的設計師,因此他們的到來勢必將爲 DKNY 注入新鮮血液。對于獲得這次機會,Dao-Yi Chow 和 Maxwell Osborne 表示:
We both grew up in New York and DKNY has always been part of the landscape of this city in our formative years as designers and as New Yorkers. It is one of the brands that helped change the game for us and for American fashion. It evokes everything our city was always about–energy, disruption, new thinking and transcending all boundaries. We are extremely proud and excited to be joining the company and to contribute to the next chapter of DKNY, one of the most iconic American brands created by Donna Karan, a true inspiration.