BOF 專訪 Virgil Abloh, Marcelo Burlon 與 Shayne Oliver 等設計師

隨著街頭與時尚之間的界限愈加模糊,近年來越來越多的時尚品牌在設計中融入了街頭元素,並創造了一種全新的 Hi-Street 風格。爲此,知名時尚網站 Business of Fashion

Fashion 時裝

隨著街頭與時尚之間的界限愈加模糊,近年來越來越多的時尚品牌在設計中融入了街頭元素,並創造了一種全新的 Hi-Street 風格。爲此,知名時尚網站 Business of Fashion 最近便請來當下最受矚目的三位高街設計師,分別是 Off-White 創始人 Virgil Abloh,Marcelo Burlon County of Milan 創始人 Marcelo Burlon,以及 Hood By Air 創始人 Shayne Oliver,與他們共同探討 Hi-Street 時尚文化的發展與現狀,以及他們在設計背後的故事。下面是我們的摘要內容,完整版本不妨查看這裏

The immediacy of the Internet and the instant access to inspiration that platforms like Tumblr can provide have also shaped all three designers. “The Internet helps us be connected to the past and to the history,” says Burlon. “What better way to make something than converge new ideas with something that has history,” adds Abloh.

“It’s one of those funny things: The generation behind it is always gonna try to overthrow the one that’s in front of it. I just hope that we do live up to the James Jebbias and the Shawn Stussys,” says Abloh. “It’s sort of our duty to pick up after the all the streetwear legends. It’s a glimmer. I don’t think it’s real yet.” Abloh declines to reveal Off-White’s current revenue, but says the company is “meeting goals.” Its website currently lists 31 stockists. Burlon’s County of Milan boasts over 250 stockists. Meanwhile, Hood By Air is currently sold at 90 retailers.

Burlon says it’s a combination of high-end product, scarcity, celebrity association (fans of County of Milan include the rappers Pusha T and Drake, as well as NBA player LeBron James) and independent spirit that “make the sense of luxury” — and justify the prices.



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