Since starting your brand, what are the biggest challenges you’ve faced? What have been your biggest learnings?
Sometimes the frustration of limited resources can be challenging; having an idea and not seeing it come to life is a huge stress for me. On the other hand the things I just spoke of have a way of coming back to help you later once you have found the resources; thinking your way around challenges is the best way to learn.
The fashion industry has experienced a lot of ups and downs in recent years. What do you think about the current state of the industry and what do you see as the biggest issues facing the industry today?
I'm fairly new to the fashion industry, shit I'm new to industry...
My perspective is probably very different to most people who have seen a few cycles of change within the fashion game. I will say this: I find it to be 50/50, volatile and exciting.
Because of the current state of the industry I get to have a brand that sells in beautiful stores around the world and I feel like not so long ago this would have been impossible for someone like me, not coming from a proper fashion background, school, internship, whatever…
What are your thoughts on the pairing of high-end luxury labels with casual streetwear brands? Who do you feel this benefits?
I love it. Always have. The consumer wins.
Has your call to address various political issues, while trying to find the middle ground between different societal classes always been a goal of yours?
As long as I can remember I have always felt more aligned with a rebellious attitude and outlook on life. If I see shit I don't understand I ask questions. If I don't agree I hold my position unless I’m proven wrong. Even if it's embarrassing because my convictions can be so strong sometimes I have to swallow my words and it sucks, but it is what it is. I feel if you are given a voice you should try and say something worth listening to.
What’s been your highlight of 2017?
I'm very fortunate with my work and it's basically my whole life, so I won't give you a work highlight... On a more personal level this year I took out a loan from a bank to buy a car—it may not seem like a big deal and it wasn't a huge loan BUT, I got my green card just a few years ago and getting my credit up has been such a task! Being able to finally go in and finance a car with no co-signer was a dream come true for me... I'm officially American. FUCK TRUMP***
What are your short-term and long-term goals for your brand and for you personally?
The goal is to develop the concept for both retail and the brand while continuing to try new things while being true to ourselves.