How important was it for you guys to do your first Some Ware show in Paris this year? What were some things you learned about putting this runway debut together?
Brendan: We were both really psyched going into the collaboration as this clothing line is one of the most energetically ambitious thing we have both done. The fact that we were presenting all of our designs, collaborating with all these friends, the community, the space… like Alyx helping out with the show by lending us footwear and loved ones styling for the show. For someone who is prone to labor-intensive projects, this is the most exhausting, but also the favorite thing I have ever done in my life, among anything.
Cali: It was fun to figure out a way to do it the only way we really knew how to do it, which is on our own. I think that is funny because it had translated to people who had seen things done that we showcased in a different way. People ask how we casted the show? We just casted our friends. How did we find the location? We found friends who own the location. The way we did it was sort of unusual but it’s the way I like to do things.
You guys are at the forefront of DIY culture in fashion. How would you guys like to see this art form evolve, especially amongst the youth?
Brendan: I want to see them feel empowered.
Cali: Empowered is the perfect word. The best ideas come from those who are young and feel empowered; those who are not afraid to try things on their own. The best outcomes are born from people who do not feel hesitant or go by the rules. Time and time again I have seen the greatest works come from those who can be free with their ideas.
Cali, in August your designs for The Life of Pablo merch were nominated by London’s Design Museum for a ‘World’s Best Design’ award. What does a nomination like that mean to you? What does a nomination like that mean to the design community, especially since it was on concert merch?
Cali: While I am honored to be nominated for the award in some little way, I think times can move forward.
Brendan, earlier this year, you released some work with Virgil Abloh on some Mackintosh coats. In today's world of collaboration, how vital is it for an artist like yourself to be able to work with some of the best talents out there today?
Brendan: Doing clothing, as opposed to the solo studio art projects, is so collaboration-orientated that reminded me of the times I collaborated with people in music. Getting to work with Virgil or simply any of our friends has been very rad to me. Just beautiful and super exciting. This is sort of a framework for us to have a collaboration with all our friends.
Creatives like yourself—Some Ware, Election Reform, No Vacancy Inn—thrive in the realm of the “subculture.” For the curious, how would you explain to them the power of this type of movement—the music, the clothes, the art, etc.?
Cali: Things are all about interaction and talking to each other. If you’re steady on that kind of thing and investigative of culture, and meet like-minded people, that’s how the conversation starts and continues. You exchange ideas and outlooks—everything about it is communicative.
If you were to change anything about 2017 what would it be?
Cali: So far I wouldn’t change anything I’ve done this year. I mean there are lots of things I would change about the world but I would not change anything about how the collaboration is rolling in the fashion industry.
Brendan: The fact that we are extensively surviving to the end of the year is itself a blessing. The fact that I can be working with clothes now makes me truly blessed.
How do you both want to creatively grow in the upcoming year?
Cali: I will be happy just to keep going. Every year that I keep going, I am happy, I feel like I am rich with friends. If I can keep seeing, working, and hanging with the people I know from all over the world, I’m all set. I don’t really have any desires but I am happy now.
Brendan: With intention and care.