UPDATE(2022/4/2ˊ):在今日最新的開庭內容中,Johnny Depp 改口希望回歸 Disney 出演《Pirates of the Caribbean》言論,並針對先前言論作重新解釋。
他希望 Jack Sparrow 這個角色能在電影中有個「合理適當的告別」,他為了這個角色投入許多心力,因此他希望能夠繼續演下去與協助編寫劇本直到結束,但目前《Pirates of the Caribbean》第六集計劃暫時擱置中。
“I didn’t quite understand how after that long relationship and quite a successful relationship, certainly for Disney, that suddenly I was guilty until proven innocent… I, in fact, had been approached to take part in writing Pirates 6… my feeling was that these characters should be able to have their proper goodbye, as it were. A franchise can only last for so long, and there’s a way to end a franchise like that. And I thought that the characters deserved… to end their franchise on a very good note. I planned on continuing until it was time to stop.”
在接受質詢時,Johnny Depp 表示 Amber Heard 在 2018 年 12 月於 Washington Post 發表一篇關於受虐的專欄文章之後,他就遭到 Disney 及《Pirates of the Caribbean》斷絕合作關係,並有鑒於當時社會激烈討論的 #MeToo 議題,因此他的演藝生涯也就此中斷,爾後還有《怪獸與鄧不利多的秘密》(Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore)遭到官方換角,改由 Mads Mikkelsen 取代。
爾後,對方律師向 Johnny Depp 提問:「即使 Disney 拿出三億美金及一百隻羊駝給你,這世界上也沒有其他原因會讓你想回歸 Disney 出演《Pirates of the Caribbean》對吧?」Johnny Depp 表示:「沒錯。」
“The fact is, Mr. Depp, if Disney came to you with $300 million and a million alpacas, nothing on this Earth would get you to go back and work with Disney on a Pirates of the Caribbean film? Correct?”