《Captain Marvel》首場試映會評價出爐

隨著《Captain Marvel》的上映時間(3 月 8 日)越發接近,早先也正式結束了北美首場媒體試映會,雖然按照規定,相關影評必須於 3 月 5 日才能正式公佈,但這並不影響人們在觀後發表簡短的感想。而想必各位也相當好奇參與試映的資深媒體會如何看待這部改變 MCU 格局的電影,通常這些人的評價很大一部份主導了票房的好壞。
Fans of #CaptainMarvel comics are going to love the movie. Plain and simple.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 2019年2月20日
I’m really hoping Skrulls will be the Infinity Stones of the MCU going forward. Ben Mendelsohn is awesome and so is the whole shapeshifting concept. #CaptainMarvel
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 2019年2月20日
Captain Marvel is a blast! Has some cool surprises that I definitely didn’t see coming, and the mystery/origin it weaves is engaging and fun. Brie Larson is awesome, and makes a fantastic first step into the MCU #CaptainMarvel pic.twitter.com/oqrRtgDQrp
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) 2019年2月20日
#CaptainMarvel has a great ‘90s sci-fi vibe w/ a tone unlike any other Marvel movie, really. It’s retro & trippy, mysterious & dorky. It’s funny in surprising places & badass in all the right places. It remains entertaining because it’s always changing. It’s got the right stuff pic.twitter.com/o7AvqYY63x
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) 2019年2月20日
Really loved #CaptainMarvel. It’s a little wobbly at times but only because it’s so ambitious. It’s beautifully constructed, hilarious and offers tons of surprises. @brielarson obviously rules but Ben Mendelsohn is the surprise MVP. pic.twitter.com/yQLQGl2Yt0
— Drew Taylor (@DrewTailored) 2019年2月20日
CAPTAIN MARVEL isn’t what I expected based on marketing. It’s pretty much an “all in” cosmic space movie. Also, it’s a lot weirder than I expected. Ben Mendelsohn is awesome as Talos.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 2019年2月20日
#CaptainMarvel is (takes deep 90s breath) TOTALLY AWESOME. Never related to a Marvel character quite like Carol. She’s the stubborn witty 90s kid I like to think I am. pic.twitter.com/H6Q9s90KHA
— Ash Crossan (@AshCrossan) 2019年2月20日
‘Captain Marvel’ is what would happen if a hyper competitive game of Guess Who had a baby with the #MCU and was raised on equal parts 90’s nostalgia and piping hot feminist takes down. #CaptainMarvel @Marvel I loved it. pic.twitter.com/SpvaiKGkvs
— Alison Foreman (@alfaforeman) 2019年2月20日
Just out of #CaptainMarvel. So many fun surprises I didn’t expect + new (and old?) characters to love.
— Kara Warner (@karawarner) 2019年2月20日
The future of the MCU gets even brighter adding #CaptainMarvel to the mix. Really fell for @brielarson’s sass, strength & energy in the role. Same with @LashanaLynch too! Ben Mendelsohn is A+ casting as Talos. And yes, Goose is a scene stealer. 2nd viewing can’t come soon enough.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) 2019年2月20日
#CaptainMarvel is pure joy. I cannot wait for the generation of little girls who will grow up with Carol Danvers as a hero.
— Devan Coggan (@devancoggan) 2019年2月20日
在等待電影上映的同時,亦可留意日本新宿車站牆面出現悟空、路飛、鳴人 3 大主角的招式破壞痕跡的消息。