真的變閒角?《Avengers: Infinity War》導演透露鷹眼、Ant-Man 的去向

自《Avengers: Infinity War》的首支電影預告推出以來,大家對於鷹眼和 Ant-Man 的「失蹤」,都感到十分好奇,到底二人在《Captain America: Civil War》之後發生了甚麼事?而在議論紛紛的情況之下,《Avengers: Infinity War》導演 Anthony Russo 和 Joe Russo,近日終於開腔解答大家的疑問:
Hawkeye coming out of Civil War is in the same position that the Cap and Falcon are in at the end of that movie. And Ant Man. And coming into this movie, the characters who are on Cap’s side coming out of Civil War, some made certain decisions and others made other decisions that led to different paths and them dealing with oversight in this movie in a different way. So, Hawkeye’s on his own journey in this movie.
根據《Comic Book》的報道,Russo 兄弟表示鷹眼跟 Ant-Man 在 Civil War 之後,作出了跟美國隊長和獵鷹完全不同的選擇,所以鷹眼在《Avengers: Infinity War》中將展開屬於自己的旅程,間接確認了他不會參與超級英雄們跟 Thanos 之間的戰爭。