Sebastian Stan 透露 Hugh Jackman 或因《X-Men》加入 Marvel 電影宇宙而再演 Wolverine?!

「He’s been thinking about it and it’s on his mind」

Entertainment 娛樂

Hugh Jackman 作為《X-Men》經典角色狼人 Wolverine 的扮演者,更於去年以《Logan》作為其扮演的 Wolverine 之最後演出,實在令不少支持者感到依依不捨。早前 Disney 在宣佈收購 21st Century Fox 部份資產後,更表示《X-Men》在往後將加入 Marvel 電影宇宙,令大家都關心 Hugh Jackman 會否因而決定再出演狼人 Wolverine 一角。而近日在 Marvel 電影宇宙中飾演 Winter Soldier 的扮演者 Sebastian Stan 便在 Ace Comic-Con 對談上透露了他在金球獎時,與 Hugh Jackman 坐在一起時交談的內容:

Recently, I happened to be sitting next to Hugh Jackman. I didn’t know what other awkward thing I could talk about, but to be like, ‘Am I going to see you soon?’ I don’t know, but he said a couple things to me and I’ll just leave it at that. Otherwise, I think I’m going to get into trouble. I asked him cause I kept thinking whether or not he said Logan was supposed to be the last Wolverine thing. He said to me what’s probably been said out there that he’s been thinking about it and it’s on his mind. So, I don’t know.

從 Sebastian Stan 在對談上欲言又止的談話,以及在金球獎頒獎禮中問及 Hugh Jackman《Logan》是否他最後一套狼人 Wolverine 電影時,他卻表示正在思考著這個問題中可見,Hugh Jackman 或許會在 Marvel 電影宇宙中,考慮再度出演狼人 Wolverine 一角,大家又期待嗎?



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