消息稱 Apple 將為 iPhone 15 系列推出 6 款全新配色

先前曾帶來 iPhone 15 系列將推出「深藍色」款式的消息,今回再捎來其他配色的相關情報。
隨著 Apple 秋季發表會將至,網上也流傳更多關於 iPhone 15 系列的相關消息,根據爆料人士「Unknownz21」透露,Apple 將為 iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus 推出粉、綠、藍、黃、橘、黑共 6 種顏色。
iPhone 15 系列若推出橘色,顏色會近似 2018 年的 iPhone XR 珊瑚色,至於粉色可能會是該系列的新配色,類似 iPhone 6s 的玫瑰金版本;不過目前官方尚未證實這些傳聞,有興趣的讀者不妨留意後續報導。
These are the colors that were tested on the base model iPhone 15, throughout different development stages:
- Pink / Rose Gold / Blush Gold
- Green
- Blue
- Yellow
- Orange (inconsistent mentions)
- Black / Midnight / Dark / BasaltWe should see at least some of these
— Unknownz21 🌈 (@URedditor) August 21, 2023
📝 News: iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus could come in rose gold, orange, and other colors
Apple could be readying multiple new colors for the base iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus models as has been the case with previous iPhone generations. The latest colors rumored to be… pic.twitter.com/mPDDI09qLY
— Supercharged (@spercharged) August 21, 2023
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