Netflix《怪奇物語 Stranger Things》第四季被評為「最恐怖的一季」

《怪奇物語 Stranger Things》第四季於昨日進行第一集首映會,結果不出意外獲得高度評價。
《怪奇物語》為 Netflix 獨家放映的科幻恐怖劇集,劇情講述發生在虛構城鎮霍金斯的神秘事件,除了製作精良、故事引人入勝且富含獵奇元素外,包含 Millie Bobby Brown(飾演 Eleven)在內的少年主角群也是該劇亮點所在。此次首映會後,不少評論家紛紛在 Twitter 發表對於首集的看法,其中某些評論家表示其為「迄今為止最黑暗和最可怕的一季」,也有人認為「將故事倒回根源的做法」值得讚賞,而華麗的畫面也絕對對得起每集高達 3,000 萬美元的製作費。「製作處於最佳狀態,恐怖程度上升至 11 分!」電影播客 Shahbaz 如此評論道。
不論如何,《怪奇物語》都將於今年夏天以兩部分形式回歸 Netflix。第一部分將於 5 月 27 日首播,另一部分則於 7 月 1 日登場。
Episode 1 of #StrangerThings4 is the next evolution of the beloved series. The production is at its best and the scares are dialed up to 11. Joe Keery remains a favourite while the new cast bring something fresh.#StrangerThings @Netflix @Netflix_CA @Stranger_Things
— Shahbaz – The Movie Podcast (@shayhbaz) May 15, 2022
Episode 1 of #StrangerThings4 is both thrilling and horrifying. The story returns to its roots and delivers the most exciting & sinister season ever. Millie Bobby as #eleven continues to steal the show & the rest of the cast are fantastic. Fans are in for a ride! @Stranger_Things
— AJ – The Movie Podcast (@AJJetset) May 15, 2022
#StrangerThings Season 4 premiere is big stakes, emotional, and scarier than ever. But more than anything, it’s just so good to have these characters — and this show — back. Get hyped, because there’s nothing else like this on TV.
— Alex Zalben (@azalben) May 15, 2022
I’ve seen multiple episodes of #StrangerThings4
but I’m only allowed to tweet about Ep 1They spent $30 mil per episode for this and…
every penny is on screen.
to end all 80s movies 🔥✊Review embargo lifts 5/23
— Grace Randolph (@GraceRandolph) May 15, 2022
The first episode of #StrangerThings4 immediately goes darker than we’ve seen before and I actually loved it. The show feels more mature, reflecting how these characters and the audience have grown while also keeping the same elements that make it #StrangerThings.
— Sophia Soto (@srsoto26) May 15, 2022
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