Marvel《奇異博士 2:失控多重宇宙》概念藝術圖曝光多名奇異博士合體畫面
棄用原因或許會是太像《Spider-Man: No Way Home》的三蛛合體?

Marvel 注目大作《Doctor Strange in the Multiverse Of Madness》(奇異博士 2:失控多重宇宙)上映至今打破今年多個票房紀錄,今番網絡再捎來一則原訂計劃,相信會不少影迷大喊可惜,也就是早期概念藝術圖中指出該片原有機會讓多名奇異博士進行合體。
藝術家 Karla Ortiz 於個人 Twitter 分享在《Doctor Strange in the Multiverse Of Madness》早期製作階段時的創作,表示當時被要求製作一張能夠炒作話題之外,同時也能曝光新資訊的概念藝術圖,不料爾後因疫情導致製作期有所延宕,導致她無法參與全程。
圖中一舉集結四名 Doctor Strange,明顯能確定的會是主宇宙的 Doctor Srange 與 Defender Strange,此外眼尖則能發現圖中背景還有一名疑似會被設定為反派的 Doctor Strange。
1/ So excited to share with all of you SOME of the work I did for #DoctorStrange in the Multiverse of Madness in the coming days!
The production was in its VERY early stages. @MeinerdingArt asked me to do a poster that could serve to build hype and potentially inform new looks.— Karla Ortiz (@kortizart) May 13, 2022
3/ More closeups of other looks including an attempt at a “Master’s Costume” for him.
Being a part of this was an absolute joy! My one regret was not able to see the whole project through. In 2020 COVID paused production work. By the time it restarted, I was working elsewhere😩— Karla Ortiz (@kortizart) May 13, 2022
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