Ferrari 公佈成立 75 週年紀念 Logo
始自 1947 年的躍馬傳奇。
義大利超跑製造商 Ferrari 之名,可說是無人不知無人不曉,車廠自 1947 年創立後,即將在 2022 年正式迎來 75 週年。
2022 年對 Ferrari 是相當特殊的一年,除了紀念意義之外,高性能 SUV Purosangue、296 GTB 敞篷版、Icona 車系新作都將在明年登場。當然為了慶祝,Ferrari 也特地釋出了紀念 Logo 和影片,影片中能看到多位員工、高管、F1 車手,搭配「以人為本」的旁白敘述,並揭示了獨特的鍛造躍馬雕塑。
For this special year we have created a special icon: a sculpture made up of thousands of components forged here in our factory and positioned one by one by my Ferrari colleagues. It is a symbol of the Ferrari spirit which is shared both here in Maranello and by all our family around the world. It reflects the essence of who we are, our past 75 years, and our future. It is a symbol of a company that, as Enzo Ferrari once said – Above all, is made of people.
目前 Ferrari 並未透露還會有什麼樣的 75 週年紀念活動到來,或許是限量特仕版車款,又或許是今年正式啟動的時裝線,無論如何,是 Ferrari 的車主與否,都不妨一同慶祝這一紀念性的時刻到來。
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