90 年代高中生文化!The Hundreds x PUMA 最新聯名系列「Cliques」正式發佈

知名藝術家 Goathe 加持!

Footwear 球鞋

元祖街頭品牌 The HundredsPUMA 繼去年的多色 Clyde 之後,雙方於 2020 年度再迎來全新聯名系列「Cliques」,展示了 90 年代高中生的風格演變,一舉濃縮了近 30 年的街頭精萃,為了宣揚此歷史歲月,找來了知名藝術家 Goathe 加持推出一本塗鴉設定集。

本系列共擁有近 30 件的全新設計單品,但核心圍繞在四雙鞋款上,包括 Clyde、 Performer Mid、 Performer Mid 與 RS Pure,透過各式的配色組合以表對青少年文化的致敬。同時,亦推出 T-Shirt、連帽衫、風衣、運動套裝、短褲、帽款與包款等設計,主理人 Bobby Hundreds 更表示 90 年代的高中生文化是十分吸引人的,大家是依照個人的喜好作穿搭,如音樂、興趣與態度等指標能做出細分,十幾歲的他就像蜂鳥,在各個族群中飛越授粉,幾年之後便奠定了他想開創品牌的基礎,以下為全文:

“High school cliques in the ‘90s were fascinating because the youth were segmented along music tastes, interests, and attitudes. Subsequently, it was easier to identify people by their style of dress. As a teenager, I was the hummingbird, cross-pollinating between tribes. I floated between the skaters and the cheerleaders, the geeks and the cool kids.Years later, I wanted to build a brand that housed everyone, across genres and borders.“Cliques” by The Hundreds and Puma is a discussion of high school cliques over the generations. We modeled each sneaker and its corresponding outfit along three silos of ‘90s teenagers: “jocks,” “preps,” and an all-encompassing “party crew.” The fourth profile is the modern youth who is an aggregate of all subcultures and niche interests. He/she/they are a worldly figure, reflective of their ecosystems, open-minded and inclusive. And beyond labels and classifications.”

本系列已正式登陸 PUMA 與 The Hundreds 官方商城,有興趣的讀者請多加留意,亦可關注以下相關報導:

  1. 本日嚴選 8 雙靴款入手推介
  2. Nike React GORE-TEX 全新配色「Triple Black」即將推出


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