Tekashi 6ix9ine 回歸發佈新歌《GOOBA》並向粉絲公開道歉與解釋為何「告密」
Tekashi 6ix9ine :「當你睡了我孩子的媽時,忠誠在哪?」
饒舌界的 Trolling 之王 Tekashi 6ix9ine 本週正式回歸,在 24 歲生日之時發佈新歌《GOOBA》。(據了解 MV 拍攝與發佈是有經法官允許的)驚人的是,《GOOBA》發佈至近已突破 5 千萬點擊次數,24 小時則達到了 4,300 萬的點擊次數,打破過去紀錄,可說是人氣猶在。不過網民在意的仍是他為何要當一位「告密者」?如你不熟 Tekashi 6ix9ine 遭到起訴的案件,點此即可回顧!
隨後,Tekashi 6ix9ine 於個人 Instagram 進行直播,並向粉絲公開道歉並解釋為何「告密」(國外網民都稱其 Rat),6ix9ine 表示這一切都很不值得,真的對粉絲感到相當大的抱歉,但他提及:「當你睡了我孩子的母親時、要謀殺我時、從我這偷走數百萬美金時等行為時,忠誠在哪?」6ix9ine 認為自己沒有做錯任何事,並繼續抨擊他口中那位的神秘人士,相信 6ix9ine 所講的一言一行都與黑幫有關。
“Now let me break it down,” he said. “I’m sorry. I wanna say that I’m sorry to my fans because you know what? It wasn’t worth it. … If there is a street code, right, if there is a street code and there’s something so-called as loyalty and everything, and no snitching and all of that, I get it, right? But where was the loyalty when you was sleeping with my baby mother? Where was the loyalty when you was caught on the wire tap tryna kill me? Where was the loyalty when you tried to kidnap my mother? Where was the loyalty when you stole millions of dollars from me? Where was that? So who broke it first?”
順帶一提,Tekashi 6ix9ine 這次也成功打破 Instagram 過去的直播紀錄,他成功吸引了擁有 200 萬人同時在線觀看,直播中 6ix9ine 不改個性,不斷地炫耀身上行頭,且坦言了個人不少的心境看法,只能說這段恩怨情仇還會持續好一陣子⋯⋯