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電影可分為不同類別,喜劇、悲劇、懸疑、科幻、恐怖等等,當中恐怖片並不是每個人都喜愛,但卻是一個不錯的類別。而以恐怖驚悚片來說,相信《SAW》(中譯:恐懼鬥室/奪魂鋸)的系列都應該有捧場客,它是 2004 年出品,是溫子仁首部導演的作品,及後因為大獲好評以開啓了續集,更在每年萬聖節均推出一部,整個系列總共帶來八部電影,是非常成功的一個恐怖驚悚片系列。而最近便有消息指,傳奇喜劇演員 Chris Rock 將與 Lionsgate 重啓《SAW》電影,並將改編劇本開展新故事,以作為一位《SAW》粉絲的角度重新構想這個世界觀。而重啟的這部新電影將交由 Darren Lynn Bousman 執導,並將於 2020 年 10 月上映,各位又認為能否重回當年的水平呢?不妨在留言中互相討論,分享對《SAW》這個系列的感覺。
When Chris Rock came to us and described in chilling detail his fantastic vision that reimagines and spins-off the world of the notorious Jigsaw Killer, we were all-in,” said Lionsgate’s Motion Picture Group chairman Joe Drake. “Saw is one of the highest grossing horror franchises of all-time and it’s one of Lionsgate’s most successful film series. This upcoming film will still be as mind bending and intense as all the previous Saw films. Chris conceived this idea and it will be completely reverential to the legacy of the material while reinvigorating the brand with his wit, creative vision and passion for this classic horror franchise.
同時各位亦可留意更多資訊如 Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 確認正牌 Mandarin 將引入 MCU,以及 UNIQLO 向 KAWS 再聯手的最新「KAWS: SUMMER」UT 系列正式發佈,都可留意一番。