《Avengers: Endgame》導演透露 Robert Downey Jr. 原無打算說出「關鍵台詞」

Marvel 史詩大片《復仇者聯盟 Avengers: Endgame》上映至今已累積破 20 億美金的驚人票房,而各位劇組人員也紛紛透過上節目宣傳,亦或是輪流分享幕後劇照與影片,繼續延燒難以抵擋的 Avengers 熱潮。
早前曾報導電影導演 Russo Brothers 中的 Joe Russo 於 ComicBook 的節目中,分享了關於 Hulk 彈指後的身體狀態。而今番又有新的消息捎來,導演於 CinemaBlend 節目時談到了 Robert Downey Jr. 飾演的 Iron Man 於電影末段的關鍵台詞「I am Iron Man.」的安排,而導演卻出乎意料地道出真相。
導演表示原無此台詞橋段,是日後剪接師 Jeff Ford 覺得依照 Iron Man 的個性,總要回嘴 Thanos 那具「I am inevitable.」吧?因此 Jeff Ford 就建議讓 Robert Downey Jr. 進行補拍並說出「I am Iron Man.」這句台詞,而導演們都十分贊同這建議!
Anthony Russo: Originally when he snapped, he didn’t say, ‘I am Iron Man.’ The idea came up while we were in post production. Our editor, Jeff Ford…
Joe Russo: We were sitting on our editorial, and we were reworking that sequence, and Thanos says ‘I am inevitable.’ And we were like, ‘We need a response to that. What is the response to that?’ And our editor said, ‘What about I am Iron Man?’ And we were like, ‘That’s it!’
Anthony: We must shoot that, we have to shoot that!
不過,或許是情緒難以重現的顧慮,當時 Robert Downey Jr. 並不願意進行補拍一事,慶幸地是在電影製片更是 Robert 長年好友的 Joel Silver 的說服下,Robert 最後仍然點頭並完成了在 MCU 中意義性可謂重大的畫面。
Joel Silver:Robert, what are you talking about? That’s the greatest line I’ve ever heard! You gotta say this line! You have to do this!
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