全新邪典 Cult 片誕生?話題電影《Cats 貓》首週票房與評價雙雙崩盤

由知名導演 Tom Hooper 執導的百老匯舞台劇改編電影《Cats 貓》於上週正式上映,卡司包括 Taylor Swift、Judi Dench、Ian McKellen 與 Idris Elba 等人,耗資接近一億美金,可謂野心極大。不過就在首週上映後,票房與評價可謂雙雙崩盤,北美首週票房僅僅入帳 $650 萬美金,據傳首日因為票房太差,片商甚至要求戲院緊急換上全新視覺修正版,希望能挽回些聲勢。不過,目前在 IMDb 上僅有 2.6 的影迷評分與 32 的專家評分;Rotten Tomatoes 則是 18% 新鮮度與 57% 的影迷評分,十分慘不忍睹。
專家們的評論更是尖牙利嘴,表示該片直逼考驗人類的觀影耐性,更是直呼將有新的全新邪典 Cult 片誕生?也有不少人指出 CGI 毛髮特效是本片的一大敗因,使得演員們跌入恐怖谷現象,表現得十分不舒服,不少人觀影到一半就直接離去。
The best part of our showing of CATS was about 2/3rds of the way through when a man in the audience stood up, said “this movie is bad and I’m leaving”, and walked out while everyone applauded him.
— Laura (@ColaptesAuratus) 2019年12月21日
There were about twenty people at my showing of CATS. Seven walked out. Some people were in fits of laughter by the end. It is shockingly bad. I really don’t think you can understand how freaky and wrong it is until you see it.
— Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) 2019年12月22日
Tonight we saw Cats. As one (of many) walked out of the theatre toward the end of the film, someone from the audience yelled: “Pull the fire alarm!!”
— Nick van Vugt (@Nicktrunks) 2019年12月24日