化身哲學導師 − Kanye West 回歸 Twitter 後頻頻發文探討「人生」?
讓感性的 Kanye West 告訴你所謂的「人生」。

Kanye West 於上週正式回歸使用 Twitter,過去一向熱愛發文的 Kanye 也沒讓大家失望,近日的發文皆有著令人省思的角度,引起不少死忠粉絲關注與留言討論。繼首則貼文調侃了 Nike 後(已刪文),Kanye 藉由文字的力量講述不少個人的想法,也曝光了部分 YEEZY Season 的產品,或是關於新刺青的想法。而最大亮點則是 Kanye 透露了他正在寫書一事,他想將心中的許多想法寫進書裡,或將成為一本哲學書籍?以下節錄部分貼文,有興趣的讀者點此即可前進 Kanye 的 Twitter 帳號。
oh by the way this is my book that I’m writing in real time. No publisher or publicist will tell me what to put where or how many pages to write. This is not a financial opportunity this is an innate need to be expressive.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年4月18日
I will work on this “book” when I feel it. When We sit still in the mornings We get hit with so many ideas and so many things We want to express. When I read this tweet to myself I didn’t like how much I used the word I so I changed the I’s to We’s.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年4月18日
I find myself getting stuck in the idea of originality and letting my ego push me to say things like “this person stole this from me” and the funny thing is it’ll be a reference I took from somewhere 😂
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年4月18日
Cars have four wheels. Hoodies have hoods. It’s amusing to me when some one says this is an original hoodie. Bro… it’s a hoodie 🤷♂️
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年4月18日
let’s be less concerned with ownership of ideas. It is important that ideas see the light of day even if you don’t get the credit for them. Let’s be less concerned with credit awards and external validation.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年4月18日
There’s love stories. Pain happiness. It’s 3 dementional. There’s taste touch sound. It’s the most entertaining for of entertainment. Just being. We believe time is a man made construct. Actually time and money are both man made currency. Because you can spend them both.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年4月18日
有興趣的讀者不妨留意 Kim Kardashian 令 Twitter 停掉 YEEZY MAFIA 的驚人消息,點此即可閱覽。