Thanos 確認與 Captain Marvel 置身《Avengers 4》同一場景
由演員 Josh Brolin 去證實。

上月末時 MARVEL STUDIOS 宣布《Captain Marvel》電影正式進入拍攝,Brie Larson 將會飾演 Captain Marvel(本名 Carol Danvers)。而當各位都將注目點放在下星期上映的《Avengers: Infinity War》時,此番資訊卻是關於明年所播放的《Avengers 4》。因為在 MCU 中負責飾演 Thanos 的 演員 Josh Brolin 已經證實,他和飾演 Captain Marvel 的 Brie Larson 置身於至少一個場景,由於 Captain Marvel 角色是確認不會在《Avengers: Infinity War》上出現,所以 Josh Brolin 指的應該便是《Avengers 4》電影,他另外還有提及到其他演員角色如 Captain America,Iron Man,War Machine 及 Thor,都是 Thanos 在某個時候遇到的每個角色。
I thought, ‘What the [frick] am I doing here?’ Because you’re in a onesie, man. You’ve got to walk around in a onesie and imagine yourself as an actor with some impact. It starts messing with your head. I’m Josh, who’s got dots on him, and a onesie, and a helmet can, and I’ve got Scarlett right there, and I’ve got Brie, and Don Cheadle, and Hemsworth, and Chris Evans, and Downey…I’m sitting there and I’m looking like I look, which is not 700lb and purple and eight feet tall. I mean, I’m feeling about as far from Jason Statham as one can feel at that moment, and yet I’m acting like I feel 10 times what Jason Statham is. I’m the man!
雖然這個場景最大可能是出現在《Avengers 4》中,但 Captain Marvel 仍然有機會以「彩蛋」形式出現在《Avengers: Infinity War》片末,畢竟 Captain Marvel 是能匹敵 Thanos 的英雄角色,因此 MCU 應該不惜一切都會將之好好鋪排。另一邊廂較早前影迷深入剖析《Avengers: Infinity War》其實擁有多重時間線,有興趣的也不妨點擊詳細了解。