FvF 專訪《Inventory》主編 Ryan Willms - 談論時尚、設計與生活

作爲《Inventory》雜志的 CEO 兼主編,Ryan Willms

Fashion 時裝

作爲《Inventory》雜志的 CEO 兼主編,Ryan Willms 對于傳播信息和傳承文化一向有著自己獨到的見解。在信息大爆炸的時代,一個成功的媒體人不僅要讓自己在每天接踵而至的信息、郵件和各路消息中氣定神怡,更要選精髓去糟粕,再加以最鮮美的形式呈現給讀者。《Inventory》雜志便是 Ryan 對于這一切的最好诠釋。他讓讀者和時尚之間有了比單純消費更有意思的互動,讓品牌文化和産品信息有了一個诠釋自我的小舞台。而 FvF 與 Ryan 的談話更比這有意思得多,它發生在 Ryan 位于 Mt. Pleasant 的公寓,開始于一杯綠色的特調果汁。下面我們為大家帶來是次訪談的節選部分,完整內容請點擊這裡查看。

Where did you grow up and what is it that brought you to Vancouver?
I grew up in Victoria, which is on a fairly large island just off the west coast of British Columbia. After finishing high school, some traveling and a little bit of college, I moved to Vancouver to take a graphic design course and pursue my online magazine at the time. Vancouver was always the natural move from Victoria, offering more of everything from fashion to arts to opportunity.

How did you develop an interest in fashion and design and who has influenced you the most in this regard?
I was interested in clothing from quite a young age, not really considering it as fashion. It was something that first caught my attention through sports and music. Growing up playing basketball, baseball and football, I was always interested in the products from a performance standpoint, but also very much the style and design. I would look forward to new seasons to see what new shoes Michael Jordan would release as well as Allen Iverson after him. My parents were also supportive and helped to expose me to a lot of fashion and design by traveling when I was young. Going to New York, London, Paris and Italy, definitely played a role in my awareness and idea of style, although it was probably more subconscious at the time.

Were there any designers you were initially drawn to once you were exposed to this world?
It’s always been an evolution, but Nike was there from the start, and still is. I also have pretty strong memories of being in London and Italy on those trips when I would have been around 12 or 13, and visiting Armani and Versace stores. I never really got into either of those labels, but going into those retail environments in Europe definitely made an impact on me.



Hypebeast 專訪 doublet 設計師井野將之:以幽默與驚喜重新定義時尚
Fashion 時裝

Hypebeast 專訪 doublet 設計師井野將之:以幽默與驚喜重新定義時尚

YDC 2024 客席評審 doublet 主理人井野將之親自分享起創作哲學、靈感來源及未來時尚之願景。

Fashion 時裝 



探索時尚與設計的未來,《10 Asian Designers to Watch Exhibition》香港創新時尚展覽完美落幕
Fashion 時裝 

探索時尚與設計的未來,《10 Asian Designers to Watch Exhibition》香港創新時尚展覽完美落幕

Presented by Fashion Asia Hong Kong
作為《FASHION ASIA HONG KONG 2024》的核心項目之一,《10 Asian Designers to Watch Exhibition(亞洲十大焦點設計師時裝展覽)》提名十位值得關注的亞洲時裝界設計師,推動亞洲設計師的創意力量。

專訪設計師湯本弘通分享 SEE SEE 與 Stripes For Creative 的創作理念
Fashion 時裝

專訪設計師湯本弘通分享 SEE SEE 與 Stripes For Creative 的創作理念


Nike Air Pegasus 83/30 全新配色設計「Team Red」
Footwear 球鞋

Nike Air Pegasus 83/30 全新配色設計「Team Red」

Nike 近日為旗下復古跑鞋 Air Pegasus 83/30 帶來這雙全新的「Team Red」配色。由網眼與人造輕量材質結合製作的鞋身選用了深紅色調貫穿,通過黑色皮革 Swossh

Nike SB Trainerendor「Blue Force」配色
Footwear 球鞋

Nike SB Trainerendor「Blue Force」配色

Nike SB 近日持續爲經典訓練鞋 Trainerendor 推出全新配色設計,此番便帶來這款「Blue

PHANTACi 2014 Jordan 特別活動
Footwear 球鞋

PHANTACi 2014 Jordan 特別活動

由上週末引起搶購風潮的 Leged Blue 到 23 日聖誕前夜要發售的「Ultimate Gift of Flight」特別限量包裝,以及即將發售的 Jordan

GOODENOUGH 2014 秋冬運動衫系列
Fashion 時裝

GOODENOUGH 2014 秋冬運動衫系列

由 Hiroshi Fujiwara 主理的時尚生活品牌 GOODENOUGH 近日发布了 2014 秋冬新系列。其中又以和戶外品牌 Teva

Acne Studios 美國西岸店鋪一週年紀念系列
Fashion 時裝

Acne Studios 美國西岸店鋪一週年紀念系列

瑞士時裝品牌 Acne Studios 一年前在洛杉磯市中心的標誌性建築物 Eastern Columbia Building 開設了總面積達 5,000

Hender Scheme 全皮質手工木屐涼鞋
Footwear 球鞋

Hender Scheme 全皮質手工木屐涼鞋

日本鞋履品牌 Hender Scheme 的 2015 年春夏新作將回歸本土,推出全皮質手工木屐涼鞋。近年來,日本的傳統木屐制造由于需求量的降低早已趨于工業化,而 Hender Scheme

Zaha Hadid 為里約熱內盧設計高級海濱公寓
Design 設計

Zaha Hadid 為里約熱內盧設計高級海濱公寓

著名建築大師 Zaha Hadid 的巴西首秀,位于里約熱內盧的臨海高級公寓,近日曝光了一組概念圖。據開發商透露,這座外形酷似魚骨的對稱式建築將會坐落在里約市的 Copacabana

Streetsnaps: Katsuya Aotani
Fashion 時裝

Streetsnaps: Katsuya Aotani


OFF-WHITE x I.T 聯名別注系列
Fashion 時裝

OFF-WHITE x I.T 聯名別注系列

由 Virgil Abloh 主理的美國街頭品牌 OFF-WHITE 近日在香港又出新動作。爲了慶祝在香港的全新店鋪落成,OFF-WHITE 特地與時裝集團 I.T

Staple x HEX 聯名 iPhone 6 保護殼系列
Fashion 時裝

Staple x HEX 聯名 iPhone 6 保護殼系列

加州時尚數碼配件品牌 HEX 最近與紐約街頭品牌 Staple 進行了一次的合作,打造一個聯名 iPhone 6 保護殼系列。此番的聯名系列中共包含了 Icon,Solo,Focus

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